Kumm Performance Equine


circle k


This will be a list of all past, present, and future mare of our program. The mare is a big part of the program and we are super proud of all these girls and what they have done for us.


Broodmares, ones that have had a foal for us, all info about them is listed.

Future Broodmares

Up and coming mares that we have sleeked for improving our breeding program.





Snippy snazzy spiff

Buckskin mare, halter broke and broke to ride.

2013 Buckskin mare

Stands 15.3 hands

6 panel N/N

Color tested EeAa nCr

Three Bars 7.32%

Three Chicks 6.01%

Two Eyed Jack 5.30%

Doc Bar 5.13%

Snippy Snazzy Spiff Quarter Horse

Leos Texas Valentine

Bay mare, Halter broke but never broke to ride.

2016 Bay mare

 Stands 16  hands

5 panel N/N


Color test EEAA nd1/nd2

Rowdy Blue Man 47.61%

Blue Valentine 39.41%

Wyo Kid Curry 34.65%

RIP RIP 16.66%

Joe Hanccok 15.19%

Texas Blue Bonnet 14.97%

Leos Texas Valentine Quarter Horse


Blue Roan mare, Halter broke but never broke to ride.

2016 Blue Roan mare

Stands 16.1 hands

 6 panel N/N

EE aa Roan test pending

Gooseberry 23.44%

Blue Valentine 21.40%

Plenty Coup 15.14%

Red Man 12.21%

Texas Blue Bonnet 10.74%

Joe Hancock 9.18%

Wyorosedeb Quarter Horse



Kats copper Bug

Red Roan (gone grey) Mare, Halter broke but never broke to ride.

2016 Red Roan (Grey) mare

Stands 14.3 hands

6 panel N/N

Color tested eeAa Gg

Blue Valentine 7.79%

Sir Lovealot 7.03%

Red Man 5.62%

Three Bars 5.08%

Joe Hancock 3.61%

Poco Bueno 2.34%

Kats Copper Bug Quarter Horse

Two tuff to quit

She isn't halter broke but gentle to be around. Able to pet on. Has high ringbone in her left front foot. Stays sound with maintenace.

2010 Blue Roan mare

16 hands

5 panel N/N


Color test EE aa RnN

Blue Roan

Rowdy blue man 40.72%

Blue Valentine 33.91%

Gooseberry 30.91%

Red Man 19.78%

Joe Hancock 14.06%

Plenty Coup 11.79%

Two Tuff To Quit Quarter Horse

MS wyoblue cowgirl

She isn't halter broke but she is gentle to be around.

2011 Brown Roan mare

15.2 hands

5 panel N/N

Color tested EE Aa RnRn

Blue roan

Blue hancock cowboy 62.09%

Bogie Black 19.03%

Joe Hancock 17.34%

Red Man 14.38%

Blue Valentine 12.46%

Texas Blue Bonnet 10.43%

Ms Wyoblue Cowgirl Quarter Horse



Cremella deville

Halter broke and broke to ride, super gentle easy to be around mare. 

Granddaughter of Lone Drifter

2006 Cremello mare

6 panel NN 


Color tested 

E/e A/A Cr/Cr nd1/nd2

Breeze Bar 10.06%

Three Bars 8.59%

Leo 8.33%

Flying bob 6.91%

Cremella Deville Quarter Horse

my Roan dividend

Not halter broke more of a range mare but easy to be around. 

2014 Dun Roan mare

5 panel NN 

Color test pending

E/e A/A D/nd1 Rn/rn

Gooseberry 36.33%

Blue Valentine 32.48%

Red Man 17.48%

Joe Hancock 10.94%

Texas Blue Bonnet 9.18%

Ambrose 6.64%

My Roan Dividend Quarter Horse

whipp hancock willa

Halter broke, easy to be around

2006 blue roan mare

5  panel NN 

color testing 

E/? a/a Rn/?

Blue Dart Reed 27.51%

Blue Valentine 21.04%

Red Man 12.79%

Joe Hancock 10.35%

Plenty Coup 7.52%

Whipp Hancock Willa Quarter Horse

 blue charome rose

Halter broke and super gentle.

2003 blue roan mare

5 panel NN 

Color testing 

E/e A/a Cr/n  Rn/rn 

Three Bars 6.25%

Joe Reed 3.52%

Joe Hancock 3.22%

Blue Charome Rose Quarter Horse



hancock sparrow

Halter broke and broke to ride, super friend and easy to be around. 

2020 Grullo mare

6 panel NN 

E/e a/a D/nd2 Rn/Rn

Apache Joe Hancock 17.01%

Blue Valentine 15.66%

Red Man 12.33%

Joe Hancock 9.42%

Plenty Coup 7.13%

Texas Blue Bonnet 6.76%

Hancock Sparrow Quarter Horse

miss dusty raider

Halter broke, never got broke to ride. super gentle and easy to be around

2018 Bay Roan mare

5 panel NN 


E/e A/A Rn/rn

Blue Valentine 25.94%

Gooseberry 25.59%

Hydel Girl 17.60%

Joe Hancock 12.52%

Buck Hancock 11.78%

Plenty Coup 10.04%

Texas Blue Bonnet 9.92%

Miss Dusty Raider Quarter Horse

Rafter gf little boo

Halter broke and broke to ride very nice mare easy to be around and gentle

2014 Brown mare

6 Panel NN 

E/e A/a 

Three bars 15.52%

Bill Cody 8.23%

Leo 7.55%

King 5.40%

Rafter Gf Little Boo Quarter Horse

Flaming lady frost

Halter broke and broke to ride, gentle and easy to be around.

2016 Bay Roan mare

Panel test pending 

Color test 

E/e A/a Rn/Rn

Leo 6.01%

Paprika Pine 5.54%

Three Bars 498%

Poco Dell 4.52%

Flaming Lady Frost Quarter Horse



Bar chick a rio

Halter broke and broke to ride, very gentle easy going mare

2008 Bay mare

6 NN Panel 

Color test 

E/E A/a 

Three Bars 8.98%

Tonto Bars Gill 8.20%

King 5.66%

Leo 5.54%

Percentage 4.79%

Bar Chick a Rio Quarter Horse

HOtty brown anne

Halter broke and broke to ride, very gentle and easy to be around

2009 Brown mare

6 Panel NN

E/E A/a  

Rowdy Blue Man 42.63%

Blue Valentine 30.43%

Red Man 22.03%

Buck Hancock 20.41%

Joe Hancock 20.03%

Texas Blue Bonnet 12.65%

Hotty Brown Annie Quarter Horse

Widder sixie

Halter broke, very gentle, easy to handle. 

2000 Blue Roan mare

Panel test pending

E/e A/a Rn/rn

Triple Chick 11.47%

Three Bars 8.69%

Percentage 4.49%

Widder Sixie Quarter Horse

Blue Sage leo

Black mare, halter broke and Broke to ride

2018 Black Mare

Stands 14.2 hands currently

Blue Valentine 12.55%

Gooseberry 11.51%

Red Man 8.11%

Leo 6.15%

Blue Sage Leo Quarter Horse



Blue gypsy babe

Halter broke and super gentle. Didn't get broke to ride due to injury 

2021 Smoky blue roan mare

14.3 hands

6 panel NN

color tested 

E/e a/a nd1/nd2 n/Cr Rn/n

Drifts Chip 15.55%

White Lightening Ike 13.78%

Driftwood Ike 13.50%

Driftwood 13.18%

Joe Hancock 8.40% 

Blue Gypsy Babe Quarter Horse

boogers hot lady doc

Halter broke and super gentle, didn't get broke to ride due to injury 

2021 brown roan mare

14.2 hands

Panel test pending 

Color test 

Doc Bar 10.41%

Three Bars 9.38%

Nug Bar 7.03%

Cee Bar 6.30%

Puro Tivio 5.41%

Boogers Hot Lady Doc Quarter Horse

Valleys on Fire

Broke to ride and a very sweet personality.

2021 Palomino mare

14.3 hands

6 Panel NN 

Color tested

ee AA n/Cr

Three Bars 6.10%

Leo 6.08%

Scottish 5.49%

Quincy Dan 5.08%

Go Man Go 4.69%

Firebrand Reed 4.61%


2021 Valleys on Fire filly

2021 valleys on fire filly 

Cees peppy rodeolena

Halter broke, didn't get broke out due to her breaking her ankle when she was younger.

2018 Red Roan mare

15.1 hands

Panel test 

Color test

Harlander 9.67%

Peppy San 9.19%

Leo San 8.04%

Sugar Bars 7.45%

Three Bars 7.76%

Cees Peppy Rodeolena Quarter Horse



Draft mares

big girl

2008 model Spotted draft mare. Borke to ride and drive in her younger years. Super friendly and easy to handle.  

Stands 17.1 hands 

6 panel NN 


e/e A/a n/T


2010 model Haflinger mare. Broke to ride and drive in her younger years. 

Stans 14.1 hands

6 panel NN 


Color tested 

e/e A/A 

Tail wind izzy 

2021 Reg Clydesdale mare. Halter broke and super gentle. Easy to handle and be around

Stands 17.2 hands





EE Aa 


Palomino Paint Draft Mare, Friendly and easy going but no formal training has been done with her.

Stands 15.3 hands

Size 2 foot

6 Panel N/N


Color test ee Aa nd1/nd2 nCr nT


grade mares

These girls are our draft cross making momma.

DVP # 25

2015 model Bay Roan Mare

This mare originated from the Dick Van Pelts herd but could figure out her linage, so she is grade. 

Panel test pending

color test pending 

 DVP #24

2014 model Blue Roan mare

This mare originated from the Dick Van Pelts herd but could figure out her linage, so she is grade. 

Panel test pending

color test pending 

 dvp #26

2016 model Brown Roan mare

This mare originated from the Dick Van Pelts herd but could figure out her linage, so she is grade.  

Panel test pending

color test pending 


2017 model Grade Draft cross mare

Panel test pending 

color test pending 


grade mares

These girls are our draft cross making momma.


Halter broke and broke to ride very gentle mare

2016 Perlino  Mare

15.2 hands

6 Panel N/N

Color test

E/E A/A Cr/Cr 

This mare is a 1/4 draft cross and has produced some super nice horses for us 

Sweet pea

Halter broke and broke to ride very gentle mare

2016 Buckskin roan mare

13.2 hands

6 Panel N/N 

Color test

E/e A/A n/Cr nd1/nd1 

This mare is a 1/4 pony sized mare that has been producing some amazing quarter pony horses for us that everyone just loves 


2016 Grey mare

15.3 hands

Panel test pending

color test pending 

This mare has been used for any and all aspects of the ranch. Younger kids that know how to ride can rider her as well. Very good minded mare! 


2018 Grade Draft cross mare

Sorrel and white

14.2 hands

Panel test pending 

color test pending 


lease mares

Mares I only get to keep for a few years to add genetics to my herd. 

On lease here from the Rockn T Ranch in Texas 

RT Late to the party 

2016 Grey Mare

15 hands

6 panel NN 

ee aa n/g 

Granddaughter of Blues Kingfisher 

Blue Valentine 28.67%

Missus Robin 19.34%

Reedart 13.57%

Rip Rip 11.63%

Leo 9.03%

Joe Hancock 8.96%

Rt Late To The Party Quarter Horse

RT BLue val 1402 

2014 Blue Roan Mare 

14.3 hands

5 panel NN 


Ee aa n/rn

Granddaughter of Blues Kingfisher

Blue Valentine 25.82%

Reedart 11.27%

Joe Hancock 8.20%

Leo 7.42% 

Rt Blue Val Quarter Horse

RT roan val gal 34

Halter broke and gentle 

2017 Red Dun mare  

15.1 hands

6 panel NN 

Ee AA D/nd2

Granddaughter to Blues Kingfisher

Blue Valentine 36.43%

Hydel Girl 30.08%

Joe Hancock 16.38%

Buck Hancock 14.49%

Texas Blue Bonnet 12.29%

Mandys Dart 11.90%

Rt Roan Val Gal Quarter Horse

RT Blue Val 1401 

Gentle easy going mare

2014 Blue Roan Mare

14.3 hands

5 panel NN


Ee aa Rn/rn

Granddaughter to Blues Kingfisher

Blue Valentine 28.67%

Missus Robin 19.34%

Reedart 13.57%

Rip RIp 11.63%

Leo 9.03%

Joe Hancock 8.96%

Rt Blue Val Quarter Horse


lease mares

Yo Star Valenitne

2007 Black Mare 

14.1 hans

Granddaughter to Blues Kingfisher

Blue Valentine 31.54%

Red Man 20.21%

Joe Hancock 14.05%

Buck Hancock 13.16%

Yo Star Valentine Quarter Horse

Rt Rowdy Blue Bogie

2016 Bay Roan Mare

15.1 hands

Granddaughter to Blues Kingfisher

Blue Valentine  23.18%

Bogie Black 17.33%

Joe Hancock 16.14%

King Country Joe 9.73%

Rt Rowdy Blue Bogie Quarter Horse

Rt Pretty Blue Cash

Halter broke and gentle mare

2016 Blue Roan Mare

15.2 hands

6 panel NN 

Ee aa Rn/rn

Granddaughter to Like Chicks

Dash for Cash 10.28%

Three Bars 7.42%

Driftwood Ike 5.16%

Blue Valentine 4.54%

Rt Pretty Blue Cash Quarter Horse



Gala dalight

Lily doc pepr

Mandys kate

miss lil rowdy



Kays rays of gold

Strait smokin topmoon

Creeks col crystal

Two bit baby doll




can't remember papered name


can't remember papered name

Jakes Brandy

Z start investment




Draft cross mare



Frenchmans Cheri


KS One hot night



Dc Peptos Little sis


DRB Miss Jessie

2021 Passed away


2022 - sold

BlueJays Dam 




kips easter eyed bel


Wee wilywood

2024 Passed away

mm drift hand 8 
